Comforting Scriptures
"And let us consider how to stir up
one another to love and good works"
–Hebrews 10:24–
“The gem cannot be polished without
friction, nor man perfected without trials.”
–Chinese Proverb–
scriptures. Follow
these links to pages of Bible verses and quotes that may offer a
spiritual and practical remedy for all of life's circumstances. The
best way to
overcome any life circumstance is a daily relationship with Jesus
Through faith, prayer, thankfulness,
patience, he will restore our weariness .Trusting him will lead you
to the best friend you will ever have- available 24 hours a day, never
judging your failures, but offering comfort and redemption. The
everlasting Word of God may seem
illogical at this point in your life- but I
am a true witness to the healing powers of God's spirit. May the powerful
of God, Jesus, and those inspired through the Holy Spirit help guide us
towards a path
of peace and calmness, earthly and eternal.
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