
Lyrics Of The Day






















































The Only Love
Vince Gill

Lying here in this sleepy town
Listening to the sun go down
The only one who hears the sound is you
You look at life so wild and free
I love the way you smile at me
The only love I'll ever need is you

I need you to start a clear blue mornin'
I need you at the end of a long hard day
Never see you wear a frown
Blues don't even come around
The only love I've ever found is you

We don't go much of anywhere
Sunday church and county fairs
The world looks good from these rocking chairs
It's true
Be my woman, I'll be your man
We'll go through life hand in hand
All I want to understand is yours

Never see you wear a frown
Blues don't even come around
The only love I've ever found is you

1 John 4:19

We love because he
 first loved us

The Rock Of Your Love
Vince Gill
I lose myself in this place
Strangest smile on my face
The Hand of blessing or beginner's luck
Here I stand on the rock of your love

Somethin' steady sure feels good
I always knew somehow it would
I've traded chains for the wings of a dove
Standin' on the rock of your love

Let the storm clouds roll
Let the rain flood my soul
I'll still be here when the troubles come
Standin' on the rock of your love

If this ole world should fade away
If I got you, I ain't afraid
I will face whatever comes
Standin' on the rock of your love

I'll still be here when the troubles come
Standin' on the rock of your love

Psalm 62:6

He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken

Give Me The Highway
Vince Gill

Give me the highway
Lord knows I love to roam
Give me the highway
I can hear the lonesome whistle moan
White lines, neon signs, have always been my home
Give me the highway
Cause I was born a rollin' stone

Down every road I travel
Lord to you might look the same
But maybe you might tell me
Why every town's got a different name
I'd like to find a woman
That wasn't hell-bent to tie me down
Someone to be content
To go anywhere I'm bound

Give me the highway
Cause I was born a rollin' stone

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

The Red Words
Vince Gill
The Bible says that we're all equal
But I've seen times when that ain't true
'Cause I've been good and I've been evil
And I've been forgiven too
I've learned that you can't fight life
I've learned the truth can set you free
The one I love and most admire
Is lyin' right here next to me
Well, she's the best in conversation
I've never seen her turn away
She's an open invitation
Just like the Bible's red words say

The red words cut the deepest
The red words are the call
The red words come from Jesus
And they mean the most of all

She'd take a bullet for her children
She'd give 'em all her last breath
Always there and always willing
A mother's love never rests
And I know black's her favorite color
'Cause without it there's no depth
She says she loves me like no other
I think I know why Jesus wept

The red words cut the deepest
The red words are the call
The red words come from Jesus
And they mean the most of all

Let's show some kindness to a stranger
And be grateful for today
Open up your family Bible
And read what the red words say
Well, open up your family Bible
And read what the red words say

Proverbs 19:20

Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future

One More Mistake I Made
Vince Gill
Everything I ever learned
Every bridge I ever burned
Got me to where I am today
I've got no regrets
You can't win if you don't bet
It's just a game that we all play

And it's so hard to lose
When you have to choose
So go your separate ways
On that lonely road
Is such a heavy load
Just one more mistake I made

I did the best I could
And things I thought I never would
A whole lot more good than bad
It's you I miss the most
You still haunt me like a ghost
Your love is more than I've ever had

And it's so hard to lose
When you have to choose
To go your separate ways
On that lonely road
It's such a heavy load
Just one more mistake I made

Moments that stay with you
Will break your heart in two
Remember the ones your heart forgave
Everything I've ever learned
From the pages I have turned
Just one more mistake I made
Just one more mistake I made

Romans 6:14

For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace

An Honest Man
Vince Gill
I've cursed some early Sunday mornings
I've stayed out late, drank too much wine
And I've gone off without a warning
And let you down from time to time
But I've always kept my promise
This wedding ring on my left hand

Let them cowboys be the heroes
I'll just be an honest man

Well, I'm a little rough around the edges
And sometimes I lose my tone
Gonna face some real tough stretches
And we'll just take 'em as they come
And girl, I know how much you trust me
And know I wear it like a brand

Let them cowboys be the heroes
I'll just be an honest man

Just take me as I am
I'll do the best I can
And know the truth is hard to find
Bet on it every single time
Well, come and put your arms around me
And put your heart here in my hands

Let them cowboys be the heroes
I'll just be an honest man
Let them cowboys be the heroes
I'll just be an honest man

2 Corinthians 8:21

For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord's sight but also in the sight of man

The Price Of Regret
Vince Gill

Everyone knows the price of regret
Things in life we never forget
Haunted by what we've done wrong
Yearning for the pain to be gone
Some hide in a bottle and some die in vain
Some wave a Bible and some just go insane
Lay down your judgement or lay down your shame
We're all God's children and we all breathe the same

You're black and I'm white
You're blinded by sight
Close your eyes and tell me the color of my skin
If we let today
Just pass away
Without kindness and forgiveness, there's no light

Everyone's broken, oh, everyone's scarred
All the things we needed wind up in the yard
Brothers and sisters, I mean you no harm
Healing's waiting in each other's arms

You're black and I'm white
You're blinded by sight
Close your eyes and tell me the color of my skin
If we let today
Just pass away
Without kindness and forgiveness, there's no light

Everyone knows the price of regret
Things in life we never forget

Hebrews 4:16

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Forever Changed
Vince Gill
You put your hands where they don't belong
And now her innocence is dead and gone
She feels dirty, she feels ashamed
Because of you, she's forever changed

Too afraid to tell someone
Well you might as well just used a gun
She cries for Jesus to ease the pain
Because of you, she's forever changed

Can't you just leave the child alone?
I can hear the angels in heaven moan
God was watching and He knows your name
Because of you, she's forever changed

Whether you're a stranger or flesh and blood
There'll come a day you face that judge
You can beg for mercy but the truth remains
Because of you, she's forever changed

Can't you just leave the child alone?
I can hear the angels in heaven moan
God was watching and He knows your name
Because of you, she's forever changed

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness

When My Amy Prays
Vince Gill
All my life I've known of Jesus
But that connection never came
And when my world was torn to pieces
I still couldn't call His name

But when my Amy prays
When my Amy prays
That's when I see His face

She gave me my first Bible
It sits right beside my bed
On the nights my hands are rattled
I turn the pages but its seldom read

And when my Amy prays
When my Amy prays
That's when I feel grace

She's got my back and she don't judge me
She gives my heart some time to change
Even at my worst I know she loves me
She's my shelter from the rain

And when my Amy prays
When my Amy prays
That's when my hands raise

And when my Amy prays
And when my Amy prays
That's when my hands raise

 James 5:15

And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven

When It's Love
Vince Gill
No matter how, how hard you try to find it
I tell you now, when it goes up you can't fight it
It's a smile on your face, it's the beat of your heart

It's that thing, that the whole world is searching
For that prize ring, that brings you healing from the hurting
Put you down on your knees, no matter who you are

When it's love, it's like a wild raging river
When it's love, it feel like you've been delivered
Raining down sunshine, from above
When it's love, you never see coming
When it's love, there ain't no use in the running
You might as well just surrender, when it's love

It's in the way, and way your knees won't stop shaking
And how you just, can't keep your heart from racing
When it gets hold of you, there no letting go

When it's love, it's like a wild raging river
When it's love, it feel like you've been delivered
Raining down sunshine, from above
When it's love, you never see coming
When it's love, there ain't no use in the running
You might as well just surrender

It make you believe, you can do anything
And if it's all you got, man you got everything

When it's love, it's like a wild raging river
You might as well just surrender
Oh, you might as well just surrender
When it's love

1 Corinthians 13:13

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love

What Choice Will You Make
Vince Gill

Sittin' in your best friend's car
Sittin' there with such a worried mind
You didn't mean to go that far
You never meant to cross that line
Well, he said, "I can't raise no baby now
I ain't even seventeen"
So you let all those tears fall down
But it did not change a thing

What choice will you make?
Whose heart will you break?
Whatever you choose, you will wear on your face
What choice will you make?

Starin' at a million stars
Prayin' for a little time
Well, this'll tear your dad apart
And sure to make your mama cry
And you know they're gonna blame themselves
And say they didn't raise you right
And you're so afraid to ask for help
You don't know how to save your life

What choice will you make?
Whose heart will you break?
Whatever you choose, you will wear on your face
What choice will you make?

Sittin' on the edge of town
All packed up to run away
You're too young for a wedding gown
There's voices begging you to stay

What choice will you make?
Whose heart will you break?
Whatever you choose, you will wear on your face
What choice will you make?

2 Samuel 24:12

“Go and say to David, ‘Thus says the Lord, Three things I offer you. Choose one of them, that I may do it to you.

Reasons For The Tears I Cry
Vince Gill

Your leavin'
Just hit me right between the eyes
Had me believin'
All your little alibis
You're movin' on no matter how hard I try
I've got reasons
Reasons for the tears I cry

I'm seein'
Our love is goin' up in flames
I must be dreamin'
To think you still feel the same
Now you're gone, you left me wonderin' why, why, why
I've got reasons, babe
Reasons for the tears I cry

It's lookin' like we're done
You're about to run
To the arms of another man
Say it ain't so
Baby, don't you go
And break my heart even though you can
It's killin' me to hear you say to me "goodbye"
I've got reasons
Reasons for the tears I cry

It's lookin' like we're done
You're about to run
To the arms of another man
Say it ain't so
Baby, don't you go and break my heart even though
Even though you can
It's killin' me to hear you say to me "goodbye"
I've got reasons
Reasons for the tears I cry
It's killin' me to hear you say to me "goodbye"
I've got reasons, babe
Reasons for the tears I cry

John 16:33

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world

These Broken Hearts
Vince Gill

Baby, let's just say farewell
Baby, let's just both give in
No, it's not too hard to tell
The walls are closin' in
Oh, it's time to say goodbye
And put this in the past
Even though I know we tried
To save the best for last

I guess nothin' stays the same
Still the memories remain
We need all the sweet forgiveness we can find
There's a sadness in the wind
Oh, I wish you well my friend
Only time will mend these broken hearts again

I don't know what's left to say
I don't know where we went wrong
When I watch you walk away
I'll miss you when you're gone

Baby, shed a tear for me
And I'll she da tear for you
Oh, let's set this heartache free
And in time we'll make it through, well

There's a sadness in the wind
Oh, I wish you well my friend
Only time will mend these broken hearts again

Psalm 73:26

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever

The Way Back Home
Vince Gill

A little girl was cryin'
For her mama and her daddy
She couldn't understand why they were gone
She never knew the danger
Of talking to a stranger
Now the girl can't find her way back home

A little boy went walkin'
Down to the corner market
To buy a loaf of bread and an ince cream cone
He never knew the dnager
Of talkin' to a stranger
Now the boy can't find the way back home

Too many kids are missin'
Is anybody listening?
Won't you be the children's eyes
They're all alone
The hardest part's not knowing
Where they are or where they're going
Won't you help the children find
The way back home

The faces on milk cartons
Thrown away and soon forgotten
What if one of those sweet kids
Was your very own

Tonight those kids are weeping
While yours are safely sleeping
Won't you help the children find
The way back home

Won't you help the children find
The way back home

Matthew 18:12-13

What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray

I Never Knew Lonely
Vince Gill

No other lover ever really cared
When I've reached out for you you've always been there
Now I'm so far away and baby I'm scared
I never knew lonely til you

You are my rock and the strength I need
To keep me sane in this life that I lead
Now I'm not with you and my broken heart bleeds
I never knew lonely til you

I never knew lonely could be so blue
I never knew lonely could tear you in two
I never loved someone like I love you
I never knew lonely til you

I can't make up for the times I've been gone
But I'll prove I love you in the words of this song
Back in your arms girl it's where I belong
I never knew lonely til you

I never knew lonely could be so blue
I never knew lonely could tear you in two
I never loved someone like I love you
I never knew lonely til you

Philippians 4:19

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus

One More Last Chance
Vince Gill
She was standing at the front door
When I came home last night
A good book in her left hand
And a rollin' pin in the right
She said you've come home for the last time
With whiskey on your breath
If you don't listen to my preachin' boy
I'm goin' to have to beat you half to death

Give me just a one more last chance
Before you say we're through
I know I drive you crazy baby
It's the best that I can do
We're just some good ol' boys, a makin' noise
I ain't a runnin' 'round on you
Give me just a one more last chance
Before you say we're through

First she hid my glasses
'Cause she knows that I can't see
She said you ain't goin' nowhere boy
'Til you spend a little time with me
Then the boys called from the honky tonk
Said there's a party goin' on down here
Well she might've took my car keys
But she forgot about my old John Deere

So give me just a one more last chance
Before you say we're through
I know I drive you crazy baby
It's the best that I can do
We're just some good ol' boys, a makin' noise
I ain't a runnin' 'round on you
Give me just a one more last chance
Before you say we're through

Ephesians 4:32

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you

When Love Finds You
Vince Gill

Love sure is something no one can explain
It can bring you such joy, it can bring you pain
And with every emotion, love puts us through
There's nothing you can say, when love finds you

Love is the power that makes your heart beat
It can make you move mountains, make you drop to your knees
When it finally hits you, you won't know what to do
There's nothin' you can say, when love finds you

Give it all you can give it, when your love comes around
If you put your heart in it, then it won't let you down
You'll find out it's true, baby, someday when love finds you

And when you least expect it, it will finally come true
There's nothing you can say when love finds you

You'll find out it's true, baby, someday when love finds you

1 Corinthians 16:14

Let all that you do be done in love

John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16
Keith Urban

I'm a 45 spinning on an old Victrola
I'm a two strike swinger, I'm a Pepsi Cola
I'm a blue jean quarterback saying "I love you" to the prom queen
In a Chevy
I'm John Wayne, Superman, California
I'm a Kris Kristofferson Sunday morning
I'm a mom and daddy singing along to Don McLean
At the levee

And I'm a child of a backseat freedom, baptized by rock and roll
Marilyn Monroe in the Garden of Eden, never grow up, never grow old
Just another rebel in the great wide open on the boulevard of broken dreams
And I learned everything I needed to know
from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3: 16

Hey, hey
Everything I needed
That's right

I'm Mark Twain on the Mississippi
I'm Hemingway with a shot of whiskey
I'm a TV dinner on a tray trying to figure out the Wheel of Fortune
I'm a Texaco star, I'm a Gibson guitar
I'm still a teenage kid trying to go too far
I'm a jukebox waiting in a neon bar for a quarter

And I'm a child of a backseat freedom, baptized by rock and roll
Marilyn Monroe in the Garden of Eden, never grow up, never grow old
Just another rebel in the great wide open on the boulevard of broken dreams
And I learned everything I needed to know
 from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3: 16

I spent a lot of years running from believing,
looking for another way to save my soul
The longer I live, the more I see it: there's only one way home

And I'm a child of a backseat freedom, baptized by rock and roll
Marilyn Monroe in the Garden of Eden, never grow up, never grow old
Just another rebel in the great wide open on the boulevard of broken dreams
And I learned everything I needed to know
 from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3: 16
And I'm a child of a backseat freedom, baptized by rock and roll
Marilyn Monroe in the Garden of Eden, never grow up, never grow old
Just another rebel in the great wide open on the boulevard of broken dreams
And I learned everything I needed to know
from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3: 16

(John Cougar, John Deere, John 3: 16)
Everything I needed
(John Cougar, John Deere, John 3: 16)
Everything I needed
(John Cougar, John Deere, John 3: 16)
That's right

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life

You Gonna Fly
Keith Urban

One, two, three baby don't think twice
Just like that you got a brand new life
Hop in this truck and run through the red lights
Yeah where you wanna go baby name the town
We can go up north, we could head down south
Roll down the windows with the radio loud

C'mon turn it up, yeah
Start living your life
On the double leave your troubles behind
You and me, we're gonna be alright

You could be a blackbird
On the country street
Hiding from the world with a broken wing
But you better believe you're gonna fly with me
You could be a songbird from New Orleans
Scared of the rain just as scared to sing
But you better believe you're gonna fly with me

Well, here we are baby in the back of my bed
Suns going down skies turning red
Stars coming out
Baby look at you now
God knows how long but it's been a while
Since I heard you laugh and I seen that smile
Felt that kiss and I can get used to this
Baby I could get used to this

You gonna fly

Isaiah 60:1-3

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.

Keith Urban
Winter's weighing on your shoulders
It's hanging around a little too long
And I can see it in your eyes
You've taken on a load that's just too strong
Oh, but let me get down to the heart of the matter
Baby, if you want I can make it better now

When the sun is hard to find
When it's raining in your eyes
When the shadows block those pretty little blue skies living inside you
When the falling of your tears, makes a candle disappear
When you just can't see the light
Baby, I'll find a way to shine
I'll find a way to shine

Everybody's got a cross to carry
Everybody's got a story they can tell
Ya know you're not the only one counting on a quarter and wishing well
Woah don't you sit there with your heart under lock and key
Gimmie one chance baby, I can set you free

When the sun is hard to find
When it's raining in your eyes
When the shadows block those pretty little blue skies living inside you
When the falling of your tears, makes a candle disappear
When you just can't see the light
Baby, I'll find a way to shine
I'll find a way to shine

Sometimes in this life good luck don't shine like it suppose to do
When there's no one you can trust and they just keep on giving up on you
Baby, don't ya know that I won't ever let ya down
Come on now, wooo

Oh, don't sit there with your heart under lock and key
Just gimmie one chance and baby, I can set you free

When the sun is hard to find
When it's raining in your eyes
And the shadows block those pretty little blue skies living inside you
When the falling of your tears, makes a candle disappear
And you just can't see the light
Baby, I'll find a way to shine
I'll find a way to shine
Find a way to shine
Find a way to shine
You know I'll find a way

Find a way, find a way

Find a way to shine

Isaiah 40:31

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk
 and not faint.

Live To Love Another Day
Keith Urban
Lord I fell for her smile
And she loved me for a while
Then she said good-bye gotta go
Left me standing on the side of the road
Now she's gone and I'm a memory in her past
And the long and short of it some things never last

Oh because summers come, summers go
I'll keep walking down this road
It's alright and it's okay
I'll live to love another day
I'll live to love another day

Lord I'm out here again
With my back to the wind
The warm sun that's sinking low
Is gonna leave me out in the cold
But the long and short of it some things never last
And if that goes for the good
It must go for the bad

If I fall down
I'm not ashamed
I always get back up again
But I'll be fine 'till the right one comes to save me, save me, save me
Lord I fell for her smile
And she loved me for a while
And someday she's gonna wish
She hadn't left me here like this
I'll live to love another day
I'll live to love another day
I'll live to love another day

James 1:2-4

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing

Better Life
Keith Urban
Friday night and the moon is high
I'm wide-awake just watchin' you sleep
And I promise you you're gonna have
More than just the things that you need
We ain't got much now, We're just startin' out
But I know somehow paradise is comin'

Someday baby, You and I are gonna be the ones
Good luck's gonna shine
Someday baby you and I are gonna be the ones
So hold on
We're headed for a better life

Oh now there's a place for you and me
Where we can dream as big as the sky
I know it's hard to see it now
But baby someday we're gonna fly
This road we're on, you know it might be long
But my faith is strong
It's all that really matters

So hold on, hold on
C'mon baby, hold on

Yeah, we're gonna have it all
And ooh
Oh, a better life
Hey we're gonna leave this all behind us baby, wait and see
We're headed for a better life, you and me
We're gonna break the chains that bind and, finally we'll be free
We're gonna be the ones that have it all, you and me
Just hold on tight now baby

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through him who strengthens me

Song For Dad
Keith Urban
Lately I've been noticing
I say the same things he used to say
And I even find myself acting the very same way
I tap my fingers on the table
To the rhythm in my soul
And I jingle the car keys
When I'm ready to go
When I look in the mirror
He's right there in my eyes
Starin' back at me and I realize
The older I get
The more I can see
How much he loved my mother and my brother and me
And he did the best that he could
And I only hope when I have my own family
That everyday I see
A little more of my father in me

There were times I thought he was bein'
Just a little bit hard on me
But now I understand he was makin' me
Become the man he knew that I could be
In everything he ever did
He always did with love
And I'm proud today to say I'm his son
When somebody says I hope I get to meet your dad
I just smile and say you already have

The older I get
The more I can see
How much he loved my mother and my brother and me
And he did the best that he could
And I only hope when I have my own family
That everyday I see
A little more of my father in me

He's in my eyes
My heart, my soul
My hands, my pride
And when I feel alone
And I think I can't go on
I hear him sayin' "Son you'll be alright"
Everything's gonna be alright"
Yes it is
The older I get
The more I can see
That he loved my mother and my brother and me
And he did the best that he could
And I only hope when I have my own family
That everyday I see
Oh I hope I see
I hope everyday I see
A little more of my father in me
A little more of my father in me
I hope everyday I see in me
In me
In me
I hope everyday I see
A little more of my father in me

Matthew 6:9

Pray then like this:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed
 be your name

You're Not Alone Tonight
Keith Urban
We all drink to forget
Some of us more than most
When reality gets too real
And the fires of hell to close
But I'm here to let you know that
That you can make it through
If you believe that someone is watchin' over you

And call it an angel
Call it a muse
And call it karma that you've got comin' to you
What's the difference
What's in name
What matters most is never ever losin' faith
'Cause it's gonna be alright
You're not alone tonight

We all have our days
When nothing goes as planned
Not a soul in the world
Seems to understand
And for someone to talk to
You'd give anything
Well go on and cry out loud
'Cause someone's listenin'

Yeah, and call it an angel
Call it a muse
And call it karma that you've got comin' to you
What's the difference
What's in name
What matters most is never ever losin' faith
'Cause it's gonna be alright
You're not alone tonight

Keep your faith alive
You're not the only one

Yeah, and call it an angel
Call it a muse
Call it karma that you've got comin' to you
What's the difference
What's in name
What matters most is never ever losin' faith
Yeah, you're gonna be alright
You're not alone tonight

Oh you can cry if you want to, go on

Psalm 9:10

And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you

Raining On Sunday
Keith Urban
It ticks just like a Timex
It never lets up on you
Who said life was easy
The job is never through
It'll run us 'til we're ragged
It'll harden our hearts
And love could use a day of rest
Before we both start falling apart

Pray that it's raining on Sunday
Stormin' like crazy
We'll hide under the covers all afternoon
Baby whatever comes Monday
Can take care of itself
'Cause we got better things that we could do
When it's raining on Sunday

Your love is like religion
A cross in Mexico
And your kiss is like the innocence
Of a prayer nailed to a door
Oh surrender in much sweeter
When we both let it go
Let the water wash our bodies clean
And love wash our souls

Pray that it's raining on Sunday
Stormin' like crazy
We'll hide under the covers all afternoon
Baby whatever comes Monday
Can take care of itself
'Cause we got better things that we could do
When it's raining on Sunday

Pray that it's raining on Sunday
Stormin' like crazy
We'll hide under the covers all afternoon
Baby whatever comes Monday
Can take care of itself
'Cause we got better things that we could do
When it's raining on Sunday
When it's raining on Sunday
When it's raining on Sunday
Let it rain

Psalm 131:2
But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me

You're Not My God
Keith Urban

It's just a piece of paper, it says, "In God We Trust"
A little sure felt good
But a lot was not enough
And everybody loved me when I was on a roll
And I thought I had everything
When I held the gold

But you're not my god
And you're not my friend
You're not the one that I will walk with in the end
You're not the truth
You're a temporary shot
You ruin people's lives and you don't give a second thought
You're not my god

Little white lines on a mirror
Cut neatly in a roll
Medicine that kept me from lookin' in my soul
I thought you were the answer
To all of my despair
And you almost had me six feet down
But I'm still breathin' air

'Cause you're not my god
And you're not my friend
You're not the one that I will walk with in the end
You're not the truth
You're a temporary shot
You ruin people's lives and you don't give a second thought
You're not my god

From the cradle to the grave
Temptations all around
But no matter how good the fix
It's gonna take you down
Now some call it a weakness
Some call it a sin
But it's all the same behind each game
I see your evil grin

But you're not my god
And you're not my friend
You're not the one that I will walk with in the end
You're not the truth
You're a temporary shot
You ruin people's lives and you don't give a second thought

Whoa, you're not my god
And you're not my friend
You're not the one that I will walk with in the end
You're not the truth
You're a temporary shot
You ruin people's lives and you don't give a second thought
You're not my god

You're not my god
Oh oh oh you're not my god
You're not my god
Mmmmm not my god
Not my god
You're not, you're not, you're not my god
No you're not

Ecclesiastes 5:10

He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity

Coming Home
Keith Urban
I wake up feeling
In my soul I'm
Living someone else's life
I'm turnin' into concrete
Harder than these city streets
Where no one even cares if I'm alive

I gotta get it right, mhm
Get it right, mhm

There's a place that I know where they all know me
I gotta get back now to the ones who love me
Wrap myself around you, never let you go
There's nothin' in the world that feels like
The place that I know where they all know me
I gotta get back now to the ones who love me
Wrap myself around you, never let you go
There's nothin' in the world that feels like
Coming home
Home, home
Coming home

My mind's heavy and I can't sleep
Not even a memory is good enough
To get me through the night
I'm longin' for the real thing
People who know the real me
And all the ways to love me back to life

Mhm, I gotta get it right, ooh yeah
Get it right, ooh yeah

There's a place that I know where they all know me
I gotta get back now to the ones who love me
Wrap myself around you, never let you go
There's nothin' in the world that feels like
The place that I know where they all know me
I gotta get back now to the ones who love me
Wrap myself around you, never let you go
There's nothin' in the world that feels like
Coming home
Home, home
Coming home
Home, home
Coming home

Yeah I know it's only one call away
But it's not the same
Yeah I know it's only one call away
But it's not the same (Just not the same)
Yeah I know it's only one call away
But it's not the same (It's not the same)
Yeah I know it's only one call away
But it's not the same

There's a place that I know where they all know me
I gotta get back now to the ones who love me
Wrap myself around you, never let you go
There's nothin' in the world that feels like
The place that I know where they all know me
I gotta get back now to the ones who love me
Wrap myself around you, never let you go
There's nothin' in the world that feels like
Coming home

I'm feeling lost in all the madness
I need somewhere to ease my mind
Coming home
The sidewalks filled with different faces
So many place but there's none like mine
Coming home

Luke 19:10

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost

Out The Cage
Keitrh Urban

Don't know just how long but I've
Been trapped in here quite a while
Wonder if I'll make it out, ahh, ahh
I miss my friends, I miss the sky
Feel like I just live to die
But that can't be what life's about, ahh, ahh

I think they just lock me up to taunt me
I won't ever let nobody own me, own me
I don't let these thoughts of freedom haunt me

Whatcha gon' do when they learn the truth?
(From every mountain side)

Every time I
Feel like I just can't take it no more
I get angry
That's when I start runnin'
In my mind's eye
Lies the key that'll open the door
You can't break me
There's a new day comin'

That's what happens when you let a bunch of wild animals out the cage

Think our biggest problem is
It all gets so monotonous
Holding us all hostages, ahh, ahh
Weighin' down on top of us
Draining all our confidence
But I won't stay anonymous

I think they just lock me up to taunt me
I won't ever let nobody own me, own me
I don't let these thoughts of freedom haunt me

Whatcha gon' do when they learn the truth?
(From every mountain side)

Every time I
Feel like I just can't take it no more
I get angry
That's when I start runnin'
In my mind's eye
Lies the key that'll open the door
You can't break me
There's a new day comin'

Let me out this cage, I've been here way too long, way too long
Planning my escape, I see the break of dawn
Whatcha gon' do when they learn the truth?

Every time I
Feel like I just can't take it no more
I get angry
That's when I start runnin'
In my mind's eye
Lies the key that'll open the door
You can't break me
There's a new day comin'

Every time I
Feel like I just can't take it no more
I get angry
That's when I start runnin'
In my mind's eye
Lies the key that'll open the door
You can't break me
There's a new day comin'
That's what happens when you let a bunch of wild animals out the cage

Romans 5:3

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance

God Whispered Your Name
Keith Urban

I was so cold and lost
And nothing seemed to ring true
I couldn't bear the cross
For everything I'd been through
And each day, I knew I needed change
But there was no way, no way

And then God whispered your name
And that's when everything changed
And love came out of the rain
And talk about being saved

Suddenly I wanna live
More than I ever did
I'm never gonna be the same
When God whispered your name

I can see the sunshine
For the first time in a while
Girl, it's like I've been baptized
By the warmth of your smile, mmm
Well, call it fate or faith or call it crazy either way
It's amazin', amazin' grace

When God whispered your name
That's when everything changed
Love came out of the rain
Talk about being saved

Well, suddenly I wanna live
More than I ever did
I'm never gonna be the same
When God whispered your name

It's just what I needed to hear, baby
It couldn't have been more loud and clear

When God whispered your name
That's when everything changed
Love came out of the rain (Out of the rain)
And talk about being saved

Oh, suddenly I wanna live
More than I ever did
I'm never gonna be the same
When God whispered your name, oh yeah

(Hallelujah, Hallelujah)
Ooh, Hallelujah, baby
Oh yeah, mmm (Hallelujah, Hallelujah)
Ooh yeah
I can see the sunlight shinin' through your pretty eyes, baby
Woo! Mmm (Hallelujah, Hallelujah)
I like a man who leaves, time feels like hell
Got my hands up high, I got my hands up to the sky
(Hallelujah, Hallelujah)
Ooh, I'm sayin' thank you
(Hallelujah, Hallelujah)

Proverbs 18:22

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor
 from the Lord

Open Your Eyes
John Legend
I see you in the lonely place
How can you be so blind
You still regretting the love you left, left behind
Oh darling, I seen you go through the changes
Sitting alone each night
Are you expecting to find the love, love that's right

Darling open your eyes
Let me show you light
Girl you never find a love that's right
Darling open your eyes
Let me show you the light
Girl you think you're so wise, you're so wise

There are times when you need someone
I will be by your side
I'll take my chances before they pass, pass me by
Oh darling, there is a light that shines
Special for you and me
You need to look at the other side, you'll agree

Darling open your eyes
Let me show you the light
You may never find a love that's right

Darling open your eyes
Let me show you the light
You may never find a love that's right

Darling open your eyes
Let me show you the light
You may never find a love that's right

Darling open your eyes
Let me show you the light
Girl you think you're so wise
You may never find a love that's right

Psalm 147:3

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds

Set Me Free
John Legend
Late in the evening
City sleeping
All through the night
This feeling's creeping on me
So ready

Soul is waiting
Body's aching
Caught and imprisoned
My own making
I'm so, so ready
I'm so gone, come get me
Won't you come?

Set me free
Make me yours again
In your arms again
Won't you come and dance with me

Throw out the lifeline
I've been sinking
Going out of my mind
I've been thinking
If I could hold her
Make this storm blow over

Give me a taste of satisfaction
Oh, I need to learn her
I need her faster
I'm so wide open
Won't you come right over?
Won't you come?

Set me free
Make me yours again
In your arms again
Won't you come and dance with me

I've been looking for a light
Let it shine
Let it shine
You've been running through my mind
All this time
All this time

I've been looking for a light
Let it shine
Let it shine
You've been running through my mind
All this time
All this time

Set me free
I feel like
Oh, to be free

John 8:36

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed

Coming Home
John Legend
A father waits upon his son
A mother prays for his return
I just called to see
If you still have a place for me
We know that life took us apart
But you're still within my heart
I go to sleep and feel your spirit next to me

I'll make it home again
I pray you'll fall in love again
Just say you'll entertain the possibility
I learned enough from my mistakes
Learned from all I didn't say
Won't you wait for me

It may be long to get me there
It feels like I've been everywhere
But someday I'll be coming home
Round and round the world will spin
Oh, the circle never ends
So you know that I'll be coming home

We fight to stay alive
But somebody's got to die
It's so strange to me
A new year, a new enemy
Another soldier gone to war
Another story told before
Now it's told again
It seems the wars will never end

But we'll make it home again
Back where we belong again
We're holding on to when
We used to dare to dream
We pray we live to see
Another day in history
Yes we still believe

It may be long to get me there
It feels like I've been everywhere
But someday I'll be coming home
Round and round the world will spin
Oh, the circle never ends
So you know that I'll be coming home

Coming home (I'm coming, I'm coming)
Coming home (I'm coming, I'm coming)
(I'm coming, I'm coming)
You know that I'll be coming home
(I'm coming, I'm coming)
Coming home (I'm coming, I'm coming)
I'll be coming (I'm coming, I'm coming)
You know that I'll be coming home
I'll be coming home
Won't you lift me?
Won't you pray for me? Yeah
I'll be coming home

It may be long to get me there
It feels like I've been everywhere
But someday I'll be coming home
Round and round the world will spin
Oh, the circle never ends
So you know that I'll be coming home

Luke 15:20

And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and
 kissed him

Stay With You
John Legend

We've been together for a while now
We're growing stronger everyday now
It feels so good and there is no doubt
I will stay with you

As each morning brings sunrise
And the flowers bloom in springtime
On my love you can rely
And I'll stay with you

Oh I will stay with you through the ups and the downs
Oh I will stay with you when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arrive
I will stay by your side
And I know we'll be alright
I will stay with you

Though relationships can get old
They have the tendency to grow cold
We have something like a miracle
Yeah, and I'll stay with you

Oh I will stay with you through the ups and the downs
Yes I will stay with you when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arrive
I will stay by your side
And I know we'll be alright
I will stay with you

And there'll be heartaches and pain,
Yes it will
But through it all, we will remain
In this life, we all know
Friends may come, and they may go
But through the years I know
I will stay I will stay
And in the end I know that we'll find
Love so beautiful and divine
And we'll be lovers for a lifetime
And I'll stay with you

Oh I will stay with you through the ups and the downs
Oh I will stay with you (Oh I'm gonna stay) when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arrive
I will stay by your side
And I know we'll be alright
I will stay with you
Everything will be fine
And I will stay with you
Through the end of all time
I will stay with you

Psalm 136:26

Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever

I Can Change
John Legend

Hey yo nephew check this out man
Now I know you got that bad chick right there
You ain't even tripping off of her
But she doing all of that for you
She got this, she got that, man she's off the hizzle
I mean when you find one like that
You got to make that change man
'Cause they don't come too often
And when they do come
You gotta be smart enough to know when to change
Like Sam Cooke say, change gon' come nephew
And you better believe that

As I look back on all that I've done to you
My biggest regrets, the things that I never could do
I see the light now baby it's shining through
Gotta give up the game, yeah I got some changin' to do

I won't get high if you want it, get that straight
9 to 5 if you want it
Keep my ass home at night if you want it
Whatever you need me to do
When you talk I'mma listen
Give you all that attention you missin'
Girl I swear I'mma handle my business
Just like a real man should do

I can change, I can change (you know I can change baby)
I can change for you (you know I can stop baby)
I can change, (you know I change baby) I can change
I can change for you (you know I can stop baby)

I'll give up all the places I used to go
Stay out the club, stay home because I'm with you
I'll give up all those girls that I used to know
They don't compare, baby I swear it's the truth
(You know it's the truth baby)

So I'm through with the women
Yeah that's right, I give up on the pimpin'
Girl I'm gonna repent from my sinnin'
If that's what you want me to do
I'll get right if you want it
Go to church
Get baptized if you want it
Girl you opened my eyes and I'm gonna
Be much better for you
(Baby believe me, baby believe me)

I can change, I can change (you know I can change baby)
I can change for you (you know I can stop baby)
I can change, (you know I change baby) I can change
I can change for you (you know I can stop baby)

Take me to the river and baptize my soul
I'm so outta control, needing someone to hold
Man it's cold
I ain't been clubbin', drinkin', or smokin'
I'm focused, bowin' down every night prayin' and hopin'
I'm trying to figure out a way
But I just don't know how to say
But I'm rearranging', hopefully I'm changin'
And you can see that baby 'cause it's hard for me
Kinda sorta odd for me, but ain't nothing to it
If you need me to do it I guess

Yea, I'm willin' to make that change baby
I'm willin' to make that change
I mean, outta all the people in the word
Who would've thought that the big boss dog
Would be willin' to make that change?
Yea you special baby, you real special
You get in the pimp and leave this minks and his cat links and all that behind
All for you, nobody but you
I'm so serious about it, I can change
But only for you
Cause you the type of female, that, you know what I'm sayin'
You bring that out of a player
Make me wanna lay down the pippin' and step my love game up
Can ya dig that? Yea, on some Romeo and Juliet, ha ha
I can change baby, gimme the room
I can make your zoom zoom go boom boom!
This is legendary shit right here, baby

Gotta believe me (you gotta believe me baby)
Gotta believe me (mm yeah)
I'm telling the truth
Get baptized if you want it
This time I mean it
Gotta believe me (this time I mean it)
Gotta believe me
I'm telling the truth

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come

Never Break
John Legend
We got a good thing, babe
Whenever life is hard
We'll never lose our way
'Cause we both know who we are
Who knows about tomorrow?
We don't know what's in the stars
I just know I'll always follow
The light in your heart

I'm not worried about us
And I've never been
We know how the story ends

We will never break
We will never break
Built on a foundation
Strong enough to stay

We will never break
As the water rises
And the mountains shake
Our love will remain

We will never
Nah, nah never
We will never
Nah, nah never

It's more than a good sensation
It's more than a passing fling
You are the explanation
Of what love really means

It's bigger than you and me
It's 1 + 1 = 3
When we talk about forever
Then forever's what we mean

So I'm not worried about us
And I've never been
No matter what may come our way

We will never break
We will never break
Built on a foundation
Stronger than the pain

We will never break
As the water rises
And the mountains shake
Our love will remain

We will never
Nah, nah never
We will never
Nah, nah never

We will never
Nah, never
We will never

The world is dangerous
Throw it all at us
There's nothing we cannot take

We will never break
We will never break
Built on a foundation
Strong enough to stay

We will never break
As the water rises
And the mountains shake
Our love will remain

We will never
Nah, nah never
We will never
Nah, nah never

We will never
Nah, never
We will never

We will never
No, never
We will

Romans 12:12

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer

Marching Into The Dark
John Legend
What can you buy with the ultimate sacrifice
If you don't believe in the afterlife?
Oh I still grieve rememberin' what you were like
Now what good is a dream when the dreamer dies?

Some are better than good
Greater than great
Some are misunderstood
And they get told to wait by

All of the greatest
Greatest of all
Were chasing their fading star
Who'll be the latest
The latest to fall?
We're marching into the dark

What if your life was just to live day to day
And after you're gone the world stays the same?
Why should you love what you're gonna lose anyway?
Oh I've imagined one hundred ways

Some are just no good
Some will let it just fade
Some are misunderstood
We'll just have to wait, 'cause

All of the greatest
Greatest of all
Were chasing their fading star
Who'll be the latest
The latest to fall?
We're marching into the dark

Oh Heaven knows where we are
Chasing the fading stars
Heaven knows where we are
Motioning to the dark

Some are better than good
And greater than great
Some are misunderstood
They get told to wait
Some are just no good
Some will let it just fade
Some are misunderstood
We'll just have to wait, 'cause

All of the greatest
Greatest of all
Were chasing their fading star
Wanna know who
Who'll be the latest
The latest to fall?
We're marching into the dark
I wanna go marching into the dark
All of the greatest
Greatest of all
Were chasing their fading star
Were chasing their fading star
Who'll be the latest
Latest to fall?
Marching into the dark

2 Peter 3:13

But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells

Bigger Love
John Legend
I don't wanna think about nothing
Just watching you dancing
Feel like the beginning of something
In the end, in the end
All I wanna do is just fall in
I don't wanna think about nothing

Everybody got so much to say
Every time we pushing away
Everyday, a new reason to stay

'Cause we got a bigger love
Won't ever give it up
We got a one-way-ticket love
We ain't going no place but up
Nothing can stop this, no one can top us
We got a bigger love

I don't wanna think about nothing
The world feels like it's crumbling
Everyday, another new something

But in the end, in the end
Can't nobody do us in
I just wanna think about loving

'Cause we got a bigger love
Won't ever give it up
We got a one-way-ticket love
We ain't going no place but up
Nothing can stop this, no one can top us
We got a bigger love

We got a bigger love
Won't ever give it up (Love, love, love), no
We got a one-way-ticket love
We ain't going no place but up
Nothing can stop this, no no one can top us

Oh, we got a bigger love
Won't ever give it up
We got a one-way-ticket love
We ain't going no place but up
Nothing can stop this, no one can top us

'Cause we got a bigger love
Oh, won't ever give it up, no
We got a one-way-ticket love
We ain't going no place but up
Nothing can stop this, no one can top us
We got a bigger love

1 John 4:9-11

In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another

Hang On In There
John Legend
Whenever things seem hard to bare
Don't give up. Hang on in there

There ain't no time
No time for sorrow
And we ain't got time no time
Ah time to be sad
And maybe the world ain't what it could be
But to understand why is to know reality
Ah don't give in (hang on in there)
Ah I said hang on (hang on in there)

How many times did you hear your mom and daddy?
Say oh child I never had it so good
I wanna say thank you, thank you for the start
Cause deep in my soul, I know you did all that you could
I'm just a part of your dreams this I know
But I'll do what ever possible to make this thing grow
Ah don't give in (hang on in there)
I said hang on (hang on in there)

Ah now say tomorrow you woke up a king
Now tell me just how would you fix everything?
You walk around complaining about how things are
But what have you added to this world so far
Check out your mind, and see what the answer is
And tell me how much did you give
Ah don't give in (hang on in there)
I said hang on (hang on in there)

There are plenty of things still left to live for
A child, a friend, and a wife
They all want to share your life
Ain't that enough to make you want hang on
Hang on, hang on (hang on in there)

The sign said "America love it or leave"
Well has it really come to that?
And beside, I don't want to and you can't make me love

I've got too many friends, that have she'd their blood
I've got too many relatives here born on this land
So you can't make me leave
I say this is my county and you can't make me leave
You can't make me love the way you treat me
And you can't make me love the way you beat me

Hang on in there, I'm gonna hang on
No matter you do or what you say
Is just wanna let you know you can't drive me away

I'm gonna hang hang
I'm gonna hang
I'm not gonna throw up my hand
No, no, no, no
I'm not gonna throw up my hand
Any you can't drive me from my home land
Gonna hang on
I'm gonna hang on
With the spark of the cross
And so many live we have lost
Still gonna hang on

Said no matter what
No matter what
I'm gonna hang on

James 1:12

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him

Hard Times
John Legend
Yeah-yeah, oh
So many hard times
Yea-yeah, oh
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah-yeah

Cold, cold eyes upon me they stare
People all around me and they're all in fear
They don't seem to want me but they won't admit
I must be some kind of creature up here having fits

From my party house, I'm afraid to come outside
Although I'm filled with love, I'm afraid they'll hurt my pride
So I play the part I feel they want of me
And I pull the shades so I won't see them seeing me

Having hard times, in this crazy town
Having hard times, there's no love to be found

Having hard times, in this crazy town
Having hard times, there's no love to be found

Yeah, yeah, yeah
In my party house I feel like meeting others
Familiar faces, creed and race, a brother

But to my surprise I find a man corrupt
Although he be my brother, he wants to hold me up

Having hard times, in this crazy town
Having hard times, there's no love to be found

Having hard times, in this crazy town
Having hard times, there's no love to be found

Check it out, seventeen years and counting
Of tryna climb up the rough side of the mountain
Friends warned me I'mma have to do it without them
No problem really, it was never about them
So my house, I never come out from
'Cause every day a drought, then a shadow of doubt come
I'm down to do whatever if it betters my outcome
The city's like the Audubon Ballroom waiting on Malcolm
'Cause people wanna see my blood flow like fountains
I got nowhere to go and still feel like bouncing
I'm looking for the closest window I can rap from
Or for the highest speaker box that I can shout from
And I'm hoping to feel like something is real
But it's no hope when you are but a spoke in a wheel
A brick in a wall, tryna find an opening still
Having hard times, tryna climb over the hill

Yeah, so many hard times, yeah, yeah
Sleeping on motel floors, yeah, yeah
Knocking on my brother's door
Eating Spam, Oreos
Drinking Thunderbird baby, yeah

Having hard times, in this crazy town
Having hard times, there's no love to be found

Having hard times, in this crazy town
Having hard times, there's no love to be found

Having hard times, in this crazy town
Having hard times, there's no love to be found

Having hard times, in this crazy town
Having hard times, there's no love to be found

Yea-yeah, yea-yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, mm, yeah, yeah
So many hard times, yeah, yeah
Sleeping on motel floors, yeah, yeah
Knocking on my brother's door
Eating Spam and Oreos
Drinking Thunderbird baby, oh, yeah
I don't wanna do it no more
No-no-no, no-no
I don't wanna go back there no more
I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna

Philippians 4:12-13
I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me


